Students Conference on Anti-corruption, Human Rights and Integrity: Strengthening Transparency & Accountability for the Better Public-Private governance

Institute for European Studies, as part of the University of Tirana, will organize a Students’ Conference in the framework of the Week of Integrity 2019.

This Conference will bring students together to link theory with case studies to better convey the message of anti-corruption and integrity linking these concepts with the human rights concepts. The

The Conference will aim to identify challenges and propose solutions in a platform of joint student papers and presentations by being engaged in interactive sessions, stimulates debates on these interrelated topics.


Feb 07 2020


10:00 - 12:00


Institute of European Studies, UT
ISE -Institute of European Studies


ISE -Institute of European Studies

Other Organizers

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania
ICC Albania
ICC Albania