ICC Albania Conference on Integrity & Anti-Corruption 2024

ICC Albania hosts the conference of the Week of Integrity. This multi-stakeholder conference aims to foster an open dialogue between executives and experts from the private and the public sector, NGO’s, and academics and to galvanize a response to current matters, raise awareness, and promote ethical behavior.

Conference Theme: “Fostering Integrity: Empowering Individuals through Education and Digital Transformation”

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Registrations are now open! Register now!

    Please select session(s) you are registering for*: Opening and Panel 1: Educating for Integrity: Enhancing Public Administration to Foster Accountability and Combat CorruptionPanel 2: Research as a Catalyst in the fight against corruption: From data-driven approaches to social researchPanel 3: Digital Rights as a Foundation for IntegrityLunch (14:20-15:30)
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