2 December 2020
09:45 – 09:55 Opening (host) & ICC Albania
- Mr. Blendi Salaj – Journalist, Host
- Mr. Ilir Daci, Chaiman of ICC ICC Albania – Welcome address
10:00-10:30 Opening Address Panel of WoI partners
- Mr. Genc Boga, Board Member of ICC Albania
- H.E. Mrs. Guusje Korthals Altes, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania
- H.E. Mr. Luigi Soreca, Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Albania (invited)
- Mrs. Etilda Gjonaj, Minister of Justice of the Republic Albania
Panel 1 ‘’Integrity as an imperative to economic recovery & development.’’
- Mr. Jani Ringborg, Case Handler Competition, EU Commission, Belgium
- Mr. Hendrik Bosshammer, Economist, OECD, France
- Mrs. Odeta Barbullushi, Prime Minister’s Office, Albania
- Mr. Maksim Caslli, Country Director, Deloitte Albania & Kosovo, Albania
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Juna Miluka, University of New York in Tirana, Albania
Panel 2: ‘’Technology and Innovations: The ethics behind and ahead’’
- Prof. Oskar Josef Gstrein, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Mr. Andy StaniforthSaher (Europe) EU, Estonia
- Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Albania
- Mrs. Albana Shkurta, CEO of Lufthansa Solutions, Albania (invited)
- Raiffeisen Bank Albania (tbc)
Moderator: Mr. Ergest Alite, Head of IT, NOC & Service Desk Department at Albtelecom, Albania
Concluding remarks