Project “Breaking the Myth of Impunity of Corruption by strengthening citizens’ trust in justice institutions” – implemented from AHC, financially supported from US Embassy in Tirana
Implemented from AHC, financially supported from US Embassy in Tirana Organizing a public forum with the high schools/university of Vlora to promote positive models of integrity, and raising knowledge on the mechanisms of whistleblowing and the role of SPAK – Through the proactive assistance by the staff responsible on the project implementation, in Vlora will be organized two forums (one in a high school/one in a university), with the aim of promoting positive models of integrity to young people in these cities. In each of these forums, one key speaker and two facilitators will be engaged to facilitate the activity. The purpose of the forum is the legal education of young people with the values of integrity, seeking to promote professors/teachers who in their eyes have the best values of integrity. To identify the best integrity models in these universities and high-schools, a survey will be shared with the students, for them to choose the professor/teacher who, in their opinion, promotes positive values of integrity. The survey will be drafted by the project staff and will be filled through in person visits in these universities and high schools in order to ensure total transparency. Through these meetings, the positive models of integrity will share their stories and their experiences on how they have managed to remain truthful to their values. At the same time, at least 45 young people will be informed about the current legal framework in force against corruption, focusing on the reporting mechanism and the role of specialized institutions against corruption and organized crime (SPAK and GJKKO).
Target Group: 45 young people of Vlora